Category Archives: assuntos

Miguel o desconfiado

A desfolhar o Público on-line deparei-me com este texto: “O ex-namorado de Filipa clonou-lhe o perfil no Hi5 e humilhou-a na Internet” de Ana Cristina Pereira in Jornal o Público

Fez-me lembrar uma história de um Amigo (Miguel T.) que em conversas e desconversas confessa que não “acredita” na treta do Hi5, nas “cenas das redes sociais” que isso tudo não leva a nada e que o que se passa por lá também pode acontecer num qualquer bar ou discoteca quando “se mete” conversa com alguém que é “mesmo real”.

Num bar ou numa discoteca, nas tais conversas de ocasião onde se trava uma amizade não existe tempo para uma troca de fotografias nem para uma troca de detalhes mais íntimos como a data de nascimento, mas também não existe tempo para que no dia a seguir se possa voltar a contactar para “mais algo”. Eu continuo na minha que as redes sociais vierem para ficar e que aqueles que não as aceitam vão ter mais dificuldades em promover o seu trabalho, as suas ideias os seus saberes.. MAS é certo que esses convívios esporádicos nos bares não levam de certeza a que se faça uso das redes sociais para se tentar denegrir a imagem de alguém assim tão rápido.. não mesmo :)

Cara Filipa, não que isto lhe sirva de lição, não mesmo.. mas que casos destes acontecem em todo o lado.. si é vero.


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instalar numa USB pen drive o ubuntu

Bom, estou a instalar no meu EEE o Ubuntu Remix, que é uma derivação do Ubuntu Desktop mas para os novos portáteis notebook, para isso tive que:

_ fazer o donwload da imagem (ISO) do Ubuntu Remix aqui LINK

_fazer o download de uma aplicação de nome unetbootin (unetbootin-windows-408.exe) que se trata de um utilitário e que não é necessário instalar, fiz o donwload aqui LINK

o que é necessário:

_ter uma usb pen com pelo menos 2 gigas livres (este fim de semana vi que as usb pens de 64 megas estão a ficar com preço abaixo dos 40 euros.. oba oba fonte: mediamarket aveiro)

o processo:

_depois de fazer o download deve correr a aplicação (unetbootin-windows-408.exe) de seguida escolher a imagem e a porta da USB pen (a drive no seu computador), fazer clique em OK e esperar um pouco..

depois de instalado (copiado) na pen deve fazer clique em cancelar, retirar a pen e fazer reboot no seu EEE com a pen ligada a ele ;)

Vantagens deste processo:

_não APAGA nada da pen, apenas executa uma cópia de ficheiros para a pen (óbvio se a pen existirem alguns ficheiros com o mesmo nome daqueles que estão a ser copiados a aplicação vai PERGUNTAR se os pode sobrepor==apagar) Atenção: se tiver alguma versão do windows na sua Pen, formate primeiro (ou apague esses ficheiros) para que o resultado final da instalação do Ubuntu  tenha sucesso

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ai esta a versão 9.10 do Puredyne: “operating system for creative media”, por acaso já alguém tentou isto? que tal?

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arduino masters

que dulpa não? ;) para quando uma conferencia destas em Portugal?

Massimo Banzi e Tom Igoe


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Turtle Art: criar arte programando

Algo a ser explorado em breve,  criar art explorando programação,

ou para ensinar a matemática


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BugLabs, kits for hacking, physical computing


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arduino 2010: “Uno Punto Zero”

Uno Punto Zero
Dear Friends of Arduino
On the first day of 2010 we look back at five amazing years where Arduino has gone from being an idea into our heads to become a widely used platform for hardware learning and experimentation.
We set out to build a platform that helps people get stuff done without having too much focus on the technology used to get it done. We’re pleased to see many people have managed to do just that.
We have faced a happy challenge as the platform has seen more widespread use. We get more and more very qualified contributions and valuable suggestions from a many different sources. It is difficult to satisfy everyone while avoiding the platform bloat that we sought to avoid in our original goals. We believe we have been quite successful at keeping Arduino true to its roots, incorporating suggestions and contributions but still keeping it simple. Arduino has reached a reasonable level of stability and reliability, and it’s time to crystalise the work done so far and to graduate, as the title in Italian says, to 1.0
What does this mean for Arduino?
We plan to stabilise the API and the current IDE so that for the foreseeable future the reference, the examples, the tutorials and the books you buy should stay consistent. This will help people who are teaching, wiriting tutorials and books to stay up to date for longer. We will obviously fix bugs and add new boards to the core as they appear and you should expect everything in 1.0 onward to work properly.
At the same time this allows us to open up other streams for developing “experimental” distributions that are more cutting edge that are more appealing to people with more experience that are willing to trade some stability with more performance and new features.
The schedule for 1.0 release will be as follows: we’ll start a public discussion on the API for 1.0 which will last into February. At that time, we’ll summariseall the suggestions, and incorporate those that we consider coherent with the philosophy of simplicity and ease of use.
In march, during the NYU spring break, we’ll meet up at ITP in New York to exchange notes and test our assumptions followed by a social event somewhere in town (we’ll have more details about this as we are organising it right now)
We should expect to be able to go “Uno punto Zero” by June.
We also recognise that our website has been in need of love for quite a while and we have started working on a new infrastructure where we’ll better integrate its three main elements (Main site, forum and playground) both graphically and technically. A new forum platform is in the works as we try to find a solution that will let us migrate all the immensely valuable content of the current forum without losing a single bit of it.
The main website will become, in the long run, a much more general resource for people learning about Physical Computing and Arduino. There are some amazing tutorials on the playground and around the web, collecting and organising them will provide us with a great resource for learners and we hope to recognize those contributions by including more of them in the main site
Hardware-wise we’re working on some new ideas on how to make Arduino even simpler to use and more affordable. At the same time we’re looking at how, applying the Arduino Philosophy, we can make some other areas of technology more approachable for everybody.
Today everyone of us is working on their new years resolutions, these are ours and we hope you’ll be excited as we are to work on it.
Massimo on behalf of the Arduino team

Uno Punto ZeroDear Friends of Arduino
On the first day of 2010 we look back at five amazing years where Arduino has gone from being an idea into our heads to become a widely used platform for hardware learning and experimentation.
We set out to build a platform that helps people get stuff done without having too much focus on the technology used to get it done. We’re pleased to see many people have managed to do just that.
We have faced a happy challenge as the platform has seen more widespread use. We get more and more very qualified contributions and valuable suggestions from a many different sources. It is difficult to satisfy everyone while avoiding the platform bloat that we sought to avoid in our original goals. We believe we have been quite successful at keeping Arduino true to its roots, incorporating suggestions and contributions but still keeping it simple. Arduino has reached a reasonable level of stability and reliability, and it’s time to crystalise the work done so far and to graduate, as the title in Italian says, to 1.0
What does this mean for Arduino?
We plan to stabilise the API and the current IDE so that for the foreseeable future the reference, the examples, the tutorials and the books you buy should stay consistent. This will help people who are teaching, wiriting tutorials and books to stay up to date for longer. We will obviously fix bugs and add new boards to the core as they appear and you should expect everything in 1.0 onward to work properly.
At the same time this allows us to open up other streams for developing “experimental” distributions that are more cutting edge that are more appealing to people with more experience that are willing to trade some stability with more performance and new features.
The schedule for 1.0 release will be as follows: we’ll start a public discussion on the API for 1.0 which will last into February. At that time, we’ll summariseall the suggestions, and incorporate those that we consider coherent with the philosophy of simplicity and ease of use.
In march, during the NYU spring break, we’ll meet up at ITP in New York to exchange notes and test our assumptions followed by a social event somewhere in town (we’ll have more details about this as we are organising it right now)
We should expect to be able to go “Uno punto Zero” by June.
We also recognise that our website has been in need of love for quite a while and we have started working on a new infrastructure where we’ll better integrate its three main elements (Main site, forum and playground) both graphically and technically. A new forum platform is in the works as we try to find a solution that will let us migrate all the immensely valuable content of the current forum without losing a single bit of it.
The main website will become, in the long run, a much more general resource for people learning about Physical Computing and Arduino. There are some amazing tutorials on the playground and around the web, collecting and organising them will provide us with a great resource for learners and we hope to recognize those contributions by including more of them in the main site
Hardware-wise we’re working on some new ideas on how to make Arduino even simpler to use and more affordable. At the same time we’re looking at how, applying the Arduino Philosophy, we can make some other areas of technology more approachable for everybody.
Today everyone of us is working on their new years resolutions, these are ours and we hope you’ll be excited as we are to work on it.
Massimo on behalf of the Arduino team


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The First 10 Things Everyone Does with their New Arduino

Eis um post de um blog muito interessante sobre as 10 primeiras coisas que se faz quando se compra uma board de arduino :), aqui fica um resumo das dez etapas:
1 – Make it blink
2 – Make it blink faster (or slower)
3 – Make a function to make the Arduino blink
4 – Send stuff over the serial port from the Arduino to your PC
5 – Merge the LED blinking with the Serial
6 – Send something from the computer to the Arduino… and back…
7 – Combine the Serial sending with blinking
8 – Put everything together in one big mega program – count, blink, echo, and blink again
9 – Copy and paste
10 – Meet people on the web who use Arduinos


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Hiroshi Ishii

Uma explicação simples (em formato de video) por parte de Hiroshi Ishii acerca de “tangible user interface”, a representação física, mudar a representação de forma dinâmica..


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linguagem processing

Uma frases soltas de uma entrevista aos pais do processing :P

Acerca do inicio da programação: “I was very lucky that my dad brought an Apple II into the house in the 1980s. These early home computers encouraged programming and there were books on programming in Basic written for kids. I don’t remember if I started with Basic or Logo, but I learned a little with both. I hit a wall and I wasn’t motivated to learn more.”

“the big idea of Processing is the tight integration of a programming environment, a programming language, a community-minded and open-source mentality, and a focus on learning — created by artists and designers, for their own community. The focus is on writing software within the context of the visual arts. Many other programming environments embodied some of these aspects, but not all”

acerca do futuro: “We’re only looking as far into the future as 2.0. We’re planning a 1.5 release before that, which will have two additional components. First, the current video system using QuickTime will be replaced by GStreamer. Second, Processing will become more integrated with OpenGL, which will improve the speed of apps that use OpenGL. One of Casey’s former students, Andres Colubri is the protagonist for the GStreamer and OpenGL integration. For 2.0, the text editor (and the development environment, to an extent) will be modernized to include useful features for beginners and experts. At least that’s the plan, it all depends on how much time we have and the contributions of others.
We also want to focus on supporting other projects that extend Processing in different ways. We’d like to spend more time supporting people who are creating Tools and Libraries for Processing, or those who are developing versions that run with other languages (JavaScript, Python, etc.)”


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De artista (Brett Ian Balogh) para os outros

encontrei uma entrevista num blog de um artista que vai usar o open hardware nas suas instalações… e recolhi este seu comentário

What do you see as the best and worst technology-driven trends emerging in art and design?

By far the best technology-driven trend I am aware of is the free and open-source software and hardware initiatives and the maker communities that have been gaining popularity recently. Technology is a powerful tool for enabling people to enrich their lives, but if the price tag keeps it out of reach of the general public or restrictive rights on ideas and processes exclude others from learning or contributing, the utility and worth of this technology is diminished. The current quality of tools available to the average person are equalling if not surpassing those used by institutions that have influence over many of our day-to-day concerns. There’s enormous power in the ability to re-imagine one’s own environment, and with the advent of open source 3D modeling and geospatial software, it’s possible to redesign one’s own neighborhood and view it in the world theater. In terms of other open hardware and software initiatives, if you don’t have the money to buy a pre- built device? No problem, they provide kits or even schematics so you can build your own from scratch. Want to change something? No problem, they provide all the source code as well so that you can program your own variant of the project. Consumers of these technologies are not merely users of pre-packaged functionality, but are active participants in the development of the products they purchase.

Projects such as Rep-Rap and Makerbot are revolutionizing manufacturing technologies by providing relatively inexpensive 3D printers and CNC machines to the average consumer. Hopefully soon we’ll see average kitchens outfitted with microwave-sized fabbers along side the food processor and toaster that can print you a replacement doorknob or a pint glass from plastic… The Arduino physical computing platform is another notable example of a successful and far-reaching open source initiative. Artists, designers and makers of all types can program a microcontroller to run an interactive art installation, to control responsive architectures or to even sequence the lights in your holiday display. The possibilities are numerous, and if you’re not sure how to do something, there’s a vast user-base who are more than happy to lend a hand. What it all comes down to is the democratization of technology, putting new tools and ideas in the hands of the public, and building a community of people who are willing to learn from and teach others.

As for the worst technological trends, I’m rather concerned by current issues of digital rights management (DRM), net neutrality, file-sharing and unauthorized/unwarranted surveillance, just to name a few. These are certainly interesting and problematic times, and there are no clear-cut answers to these difficult issues. My hope is that the thoughtful and responsible use of technology, including new media artworks that address these concerns can bring awareness of and sensitivity to these issues to the public so that we can make better-informed decisions for our future.

LINK para a entrevista

LINK para o web site do autor

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Taking an Open-Source Approach to Hardware

Soberbo artigo no the wall street journal :) LINK

The palm-sized Arduino serves as an electronic brain running everything from high schoolers’ robots to high-end art installations. But perhaps the oddest thing about the device is the business model behind it.

InstructablesA wall clock that runs on Arduino hardware.


Plans for the Arduino, a simple microcontroller board, are available online, and anybody may legally use them to build and sell knockoffs.

The Arduino represents an early entrant in the emerging open-source hardware movement, which like Linux and other open-source software projects is driven by the belief that allowing duplication is a better way to spur innovation than keeping designs under lock and key. Its success suggests that the open-source model could provide a new way for manufacturers to develop and improve upon products.

The main producer of the Arduino is Smart Projects Snc, based in the tiny town of Scarmagno, Italy. This year, the two-person firm is on track to sell at least 60,000 of the microcontrollers, which retail for at least $30 a piece, up from 34,000 last year. Owner Gianluca Martino, an electrical engineer, has had to contract out much of the production to keep up with growth.

It’s a peculiar predicament, since the Arduino’s designs are on the Internet for anyone to download and use.While there are clones on the market, the microcontrollers that Mr. Martino produces, with the map of Italy printed on the back of it, are by far the most popular.

InstructablesA Silly String shooter inside a pumpkin.


“What’s interesting in this kind of open-source project is the feeling of confidence the consumer has,” he says, since people can look up the designs and tailor the Arduino to their needs.

Microcontrollers are ubiquitous in everyday life. They are used as tiny, onboard computers that do everything from tell when a washing machine is out of balance to deploy car airbags in a collision.

The Arduino got its start at the Interaction Design Institute in the city of Ivrea, Italy, in 2005. Professor Massimo Banzi was looking for a way to make it easier for the design students there to work with technology. He discussed his problem with David Cuartielles, an engineer visiting from Malmö University in Sweden, and they decided to make a microcontroller that designers could incorporate into their work.

Engineers use programmable microcontrollers for prototyping new products, but the two professors viewed these as too difficult to work with, and too expensive, for their design students.

They enlisted two students with backgrounds in computer programming to write software for the device and asked Mr. Martino to build the first 200 microcontrollers. They named it Arduino—after a local bar. Knowing that the Interaction Design Institute would close down the following year, they made it open source.

InstructablesAn automated coffee roaster.


“We wanted to make sure that whatever work we did on the project would survive the fate of the school,” explains Mr. Banzi.

Open-source software, which can be freely downloaded, used or modified by anyone, has been around since the 1980s. It gathered momentum with the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, which allowed open-source programmers to easily collaborate on projects such as Linux or the Apache server software that runs many Web sites.

Open-source hardware applies the same idea to physical things. There are a number of recent open-source hardware initiatives, including the Chumby, a clock-radio sized device that runs software “widgets” to display the weather or stream music, and Bug, a system of snap-together modules that can be used to make a variety of computing devices.

So far, the Arduino has been the most successful. In the space of an hour, a layman can make it blink an LED, run a motor or send a temperature reading to a computer monitor. With a little practice, people have been able to do much more.

Using Arduino hardware, tinkerers have recently created everything from a word clock to a radio-controlled lawnmower for a contest hosted by the Web site

InstructablesA remote control for Apple products.

In addition to the microcontrollers produced by Mr. Martino’s firm, there are a handful of other Arduino makers that pay royalties in order to carry the Arduino name. The development team pumps most of that cash back into the project, splitting what remains at the end of year as partial compensation for the time they spend on it. (“It’s like a Christmas present,” says Mr. Banzi.)

Leah Buechley, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed a stripped-down, washable version of the Arduino called the LilyPad that can be sewn into fabric to create clothing with flashing LEDs and other effects. Manufactured by Boulder-based electronics retailer SparkFun Inc., about 4,000 of the $21 LilyPads have sold since 2007. SparkFun also sells components, such as conductive thread, to go with it.

Because it’s built on the Arduino’s design, the LilyPad must also be open source. That means that anybody could knock it off, but Ms. Buechley says a clone could never compete. “I don’t really care if someone can copy this thing, because a month from now I’m going to be making something different,” she says. “It’s going to be archaic by the time they catch up.”

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Tangible Bits By Howard Rheingold

Tangible Bits
By Howard Rheingold, Fri Oct 24 08:45:00 GMT 2003

PCs gave us spreadsheets, word processors, outliners, information managers, graphical toolkits that have become part of our cognitive scaffolding along with reading and writing, and the Internet gave us virtual communities and Friendster as a new variety of social organizing. What new ways of thinking and interacting are we likely to experience in a world of Phicons, computational clay, musicBottles, and calm technology?

“At the seashore, between the land of atoms and the sea of bits, we are now facing the challenge of reconciling our dual citizenship in the physical and digital worlds. Our windows to the digital world have been confined to flat rectangular screens and pixels, or ‘painted bits.’ While our visual senses are steeped in the sea of digital information, our bodies remain in the physical world. The vision of Tangible Bits is to provide seamless coupling between these two very different worlds of bits and atoms.”

Hiroshi Ishii, Head, Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Lab

You can tell from the quote above that Hiroshi Ishii is a computer scientist with a poet’s soul. I first met him more than ten years ago, when I was writing about virtual reality. Ishii, then a researcher at the NTT Human Interface Laboratories, was working with a physical object that served as a virtual bridge between two physical spaces – a Clearboard that one researcher could write on in Tokyo and a colleague could read and write on in Palo Alto, as if they were working on opposite sides of the same clear, writeable surface. Ishii was going in the very opposite direction of the virtual reality researchers I was interviewing at that time: instead of trying to immerse people in totally simulated artificial worlds, Ishii was looking at ways to add computation to physical objects, to grant them some of the powers of virtual worlds. He’s still at it, and I must say that he and his students have made real progress into a totally new dimension of human-computer interface – one that is liberated from the “flat rectangular screen” and spilled into the world of physical places and things.

Ishii has been very busy since we first met, first in Germany, then Canada, and then at Media Lab, where he has co-directed the Things That Think program and eventually started the Tangible Media program. When I first visited him at Media Lab in the late 1990s, he showed me a number of projects that poetically or practically bridged the realms bits and atoms, like the musicBottles – “uncorking each bottle releases the sound of a specific instrument and controls the colored light projected onto a custom table” – and “phicons” – “physical icons” that enable manipulation of complex visual simulations through physical motion of objects. He was also very interested in the concept originally proposed at Xerox PARC, of calm technology, in which relatively subtle signals at the periphery of awareness conveyed information, like the pinwheels in Ishii’s laboratory that spun faster when network traffic increased.

I ran into Hiroshi Ishii again recently, in Linz, Austria, where his group’s “Get In Touch” exhibit was presented at Ars Electronica 2003. Moving aside the dinner plates at a Linz restaurant, Ishii opened his laptop and enthusiastically demoed his latest work. Ishii is nothing if not passionate – a man on a mission: “Pixels impoverish the senses,” he told me with real fervor. Perhaps it’s a lifelong passion – he likes to note that he has been playing with personal digital assistants since he got his hands on an abacus as a toddler in Japan.

Through the years, he and his students have energetically explored the problem space of tangible bits. Unlike most Media Lab demos, some of their work is being turned to present-day practical problems, like the IP Network Design Workbench that enables network planners to explore complex system effects by moving around digitally enhanced nodes and links embedded in physical objects on a SenseTable. He showed me a prototype for a globular lamp that can sit on a desk and be tuned to subtly change color or intensity according to changes in the weather, the stock market, network traffic, your auction on ebay. He had projects experimenting with illuminating clay that makes it possible to create and manipulate complex geological landscape simulations by shaping clay with your hands.

It became clear that Ishii’s team was dealing with something more radical than a new computer interface – granting computation capabilities to physical objects and linking virtual worlds with physical manipulations is getting into a wholly different way of thinking about and dealing with computers, and with our own embodiment. We are only beginning to recognize that populations who amplify their thinking and mediate their social interactions through computing devices begin to change the way they think and act.

PCs gave us spreadsheets, word processors, outliners, information managers, graphical toolkits that have become part of our cognitive scaffolding along with reading and writing, and the Internet gave us virtual communities and Friendster as a new variety of social organizing. In my previous Feature article, RFID Zeitgeist, I proposed a few disturbing thoughts about the way pervasive computing could alter the ways we think and communicate – a world of sentient things could give rise to technoanimistic superstition and internalized surveillance (the Panopticon works when you believe you are under constant surveillance, whether or not you really are). What new ways of thinking and interacting are we likely to experience in a world of Phicons, computational clay, musicBottles, and calm technology? How do we sort out the beneficial cognitive-social effects from the destructive ones, and how might that knowledge inform design?


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Arduino no MIT

Criatividade com LEGOS ;)

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SixthSense technology : opensource

Pranav Mistry..


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Lamento imenso pelo que aconteceu na seio da tua família.

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Uma dia ao Teatro no Auditório Mirita Casimiro, correu muito bem, melhor do que eu esperava.. já não me recordo da ultima vez que tinha ido ver Teatro :)

Os meus parabéns a: Natacha, Aida e e para a “estrelinha” (Eva)!!

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