Tag Archives: Teaching Girls

Teaching Boys vs Teaching Girls

Num daqueles links que chegam via outros links deparei com um texto intitulado “Stop Penalizing Boys for Not Being Able to Sit Still at School”

Não recordo se fui um desses miúdos que não paravam quietos numa sala de aula, mas a leitura deste preview do conteúdo de investigações a decorrer e do livro “Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies That Work and Why” achei interessante que o tema fosse um assunto do dia, já que o ensino superior começa a ser “maioritariamente” preenchido pelas Girls será que é esta a atenção necessária para criar hipóteses no equilíbrio dos géneros :) Do link abaixo retenho o seguinte:

Boys are kept back in schools at twice the rate of girls.”
Boys get expelled from preschool nearly five times more often than girls.”
Boys are diagnosed with learning disorders and attention problems at nearly four times the rate of girls. ”
They do less homework and get a greater proportion of the low grades. ”
Boys are more likely to drop out of school, and make up only 43 percent of college students.”
Marks for good behavior are rewarded to the students who are proficient at sitting still for long periods of time. Many boys do not have this skill.”
“Rather than penalize the boys’ relatively higher energy and competitive drive, the most effective way to teach boys is to take advantage of that high energy, curiosity, and thirst for competition.”
“Teachers have grown accustomed to the traditional classroom model: orderly classrooms made up of ruler-straight rows of compliant students. It’s neat and predictable. But unless teachers stop to consider whether these traditional methods are working for both girls and boys, we will continue to give boys the short end of the educational stick
Educators should strive to teach all children, both girls and boys by acknowledging, rather than dismissing, their particular and distinctive educational needs.”

+infos: http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/06/stop-penalizing-boys-for-not-being-able-to-sit-still-at-school/276976/

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